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sealed class LayoutScale

Type safe wrapper around Presentation.Layout.


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fun EffectsBuilder.brightness(@FloatRange(from = -1.0, to = 1.0) brightness: Float): EffectsBuilder
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fun EffectsBuilder.contrast(@FloatRange(from = -1.0, to = 1.0) contrast: Float): EffectsBuilder
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fun EffectsBuilder.fadeAudioOut(totalDurationUs: Long, inputChannels: Int, outputChannels: Int = 2, initialVolume: Float = 1.0f, finalVolume: Float = 0.0f, fadeDurationUs: Long = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMicros(1)): EffectsBuilder

Add an VolumeChangeProcessor to the EffectsBuilder that you can use to fade the audio out at the end of the video.

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fun fadeAudioOutEffect(totalDurationUs: Long, inputChannels: Int, outputChannels: Int = 2, initialVolume: Float = 1.0f, finalVolume: Float = 0.0f, fadeDurationUs: Long = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMicros(1)): VolumeChangeProcessor

Creates an VolumeChangeProvider that you can use to fade the audio out at the end of the video.

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Adds a new Presentation effect for setting the height of the output.

Adds a new Presentation effect for setting the aspect ratio of the output.

Adds a new Presentation effect for setting the width and height of the output.

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fun resolutionEffect(aspectRatio: Float, scale: LayoutScale): Presentation
fun resolutionEffect(width: Int, height: Int, scale: LayoutScale): Presentation

Creates a new Presentation instance.

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fun EffectsBuilder.volume(volume: Float, inputChannels: Int, outputChannels: Int = 2): EffectsBuilder
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fun EffectsBuilder.volumeChange(inputChannels: Int, outputChannels: Int = 2, volumeChangeProvider: VolumeChangeProvider): EffectsBuilder
fun EffectsBuilder.volumeChange(inputChannels: Int, volume: Float = 1.0f, outputChannels: Int = 2, volumeChange: VolumeChangeProvider.(timeUs: Long) -> Float = { volume }): EffectsBuilder

Add VolumeChangeProcessor effect that you can use to change the volume of the audio stream over time.

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fun volumeChangeEffect(inputChannels: Int, outputChannels: Int = 2, volumeChangeProvider: VolumeChangeProvider): VolumeChangeProcessor
fun volumeChangeEffect(inputChannels: Int, volume: Float = 1.0f, outputChannels: Int = 2, volumeChange: VolumeChangeProvider.(timeUs: Long) -> Float = { volume }): VolumeChangeProcessor

Creates an VolumeChangeProcessor that you can use to change the volume of an audio stream over time.

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fun volumeEffect(volume: Float, inputChannels: Int, outputChannels: Int = 2): AudioProcessor